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Street End Lane
Sidlesham, PO20 7RG

01243 641997


Here at Meadowgate, we specialise in growing a diverse and unusual collection of Ornamental grasses from our nursery in West Sussex. Whether you’re looking for grasses for shade, or the perfect coastal grass for your seaside garden, we are happy to help.

You’re more than welcome to visit us at our nursery in Sidlesham, near Chichester, and we’re often found at garden shows all over the country. For further information about our events for the year, please check out our blog.

Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light'

Miscanthus sinensis Morning Light
Miscanthus sinensis Morning Light
sold out

Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light'


2 or 3 Litre pot - variety dependent.

As the name suggests, Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' produces fine arching cream/green leaves that bring a lightness to the garden. A shy flowerer but when it does it has lovely pinkish blooms. A nice edition to coastal gardens.

PLEASE NOTE: At certain times during the year, it is necessary for us to cut back our grasses prior to dispatch. This is to ensure we can consistently offer the healthiest grasses. Please contact us if you would like more information on how this may affect your order.

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